Who's who in our parish:

Our Vicar is the Michael Darkins, 

However a church is first and foremost a community, and we rely on many people who give generously of their time and talents for the work of our our parish. 

Amongst our officers and leaders are:
Our two churchwardens, Helen Waymouth and John Wren,
a Licensed Lay Reader Mr Mike Cox; Nettie Wren, our Verger; the Treasurer Brian Bishop; our PCC Secretary Christine Blackman; the Safeguarding Officer Mrs Marilyn Johnson and the Parish Administrator, Imogen Taylor.

The members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC)   are -

Churchwardens: Helen Waymouth, John Wren

Deanery synod Representatives: Brian Bishop, David Owen,      John Wren

PCC Members: Christine Blackman (secretary), Berkeley Hill, Marilyn Johnson (Safeguarding), Alison Brett, Joan Devenny, Jane Spencer,   Martin Owen,  Brin Hughes, Penny Mattocks,      Steve Jones, Roger Taylor, Mike Cox (Lay Reader), Joanne Hill

Dr Berkeley Hill is the Director of Music and Choirmaster.

There are also dozens of others, too many to name, who help with our worship, welcoming and stewarding visitors to the church and crypt our social life, our relations with other community groups, schools and uniformed organisations, our social life, our buildings and churchyards, and our music. There are many opportunities to get involved in community and church life, you don't have to be a committed worshipper in our parish to enjoy friendship and fellowship in our community. You'll find more details on the page of our website that tells you more about us

Information about the activities and people of the Friends of St Leonard's can be found on their website.

The Parish of St Leonard, Hythe 

Oak Walk 



CT21 5DN