Churchyard history
The churchyard of St Leonard's is closed to new burials (although we have plenty of room for the interment of ashes after a cremation; contact us for more details)
The population of our churchyard is thoroughly documented thanks to the dedicated and thorough work of local historian Anne Petrie who has produced a written record of legible inscriptions on graves and tombs. Anne has provided a copy of her work to the church and the Hythe Local History Group. If you'd like to consult a guide to the graves, click here and follow the link to "Church". A more recent project has been to photograph all the graves in the churchyard.
Maintenance of this churchyard is the responsibility of the District Council, supported by a team of local volunteers who meet regularly on Wednesday mornings to ensure this tranquil space in the Hythe conservation area is kept tidy.
The Parish of St Leonard, Hythe
Oak Walk
CT21 5DN