Monday, 27 January 2025 Dear all APPOINTMENT OF A NEW DIRECTOR OF MUSIC By now you will probably have heard that the church has appointed Mrs Anita Jones as the new Director of Music, to succeed me after my last Sunday in post, which is 2nd March (See below for details). Anita is currently Organist and Choir Director at Lyminge parish church. She is a familiar face in St Leonard’s, is mother of two of our choristers and wife of one of the choir men. Anita also leads the band which was established last year to play at some services not involving the choir. Anita is also very well-known in local government in the area, having been Mayor of Hythe and chair of the Folkestone and Hythe District Council.
I will be meeting with Anita to pass over the material she needs to run the choirs and organise the music. This will include email addresses, so you can expect to hear from her later in February. My aim is to make the transition process as smooth as possible but inevitably there will be changes once Anita becomes familiar with the splendid team of singers we have at St Leonard’s. I will not be disappearing entirely. The PCC has created the honorary post of Organist Emeritus for me so that I can have occasional access to the organ. CHANGES IN THE TIMETABLE Please note that: · Attached is the Revised Newsletter and Timetable taking the choir up to my last Sunday as Director of Music at St Leonard’s (March 2nd). I forgot to include a Choral Evensong involving the girls and boys and men during February. This will now take place on Sunday 16 Feb at the usual time. · I also am attaching the draft music list for February and the start of March.. MY LAST SUNDAY 2nd MARCH The Vicar has revised the pattern of services on March 2nd. The proposal is to involve all the choirs at all the services that day, and there may well be visitors taking part too. The day looks like this: · 11.00 Sung Eucharist (all choirs) · 12.30 Bring and Share Lunch – everyone is invited to take part · 2.00pm rehearsal · 3.00pm Choral Evensong (finishing with Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus!
Thank you for my 52 enjoyable years at St Leonard’s and best wishes for the future. Berkeley CHOIRS OF HYTHE PARISH CHURCH
The Parish of St Leonard, Hythe
Oak Walk
CT21 5DN