Upcoming Events

Shrove Saturday Pancakes

This year during the run-up to Lent, well be offering

 pancakes outside of 101 on Saturday 1st March.

 If youd like to help, please contact Michael at


Berkeleys final Sunday as DoM at St Leonards

Berkeleys final Sunday as Director of Music will be

 Sunday 2nd March. That day there will be no 9:30am

 service, but an 11am service, followed by a bring-and-

share lunch. Evensong will be at 3pm that day, followed

 by refreshments. The 8am BCP Holy Communion will be

 as normal.

Ash Wednesday 5th March

The service times for Ash Wednesday are as follows:

8am Eucharist with Ashing St Leonards

11am Eucharist with Ashing St Michaels

12-2pm Ashes to Go The Undercroft

7pm Eucharist with Ashing St Leonards

Lent Course  Journey to the Empty Tomb

by Paula Gooder

Join us on Thursday nights from 7pm in Lent as we read

 and discuss Paula GooderJourney to the Empty Tomb.

 Copies are available for sale in 101 Open Door.

First meeting 7pm Thursday 6th March in 101

Open Door.

Community Games Day Saturday 8th March 

10:30 - 4pm at St Leonards

St Leonards is once again hosting Hythes Community

 Games Day. Join us for a variety of board, model and

 card games. 

Please bring your own favourite game to play!

Soup makers and cake bakers wanted! If youd be

 willing to prepare some soup or cake to sell at this,

 please speak with Michael vicar@slhythe.com                    

The Parish of St Leonard, Hythe 

Oak Walk 



CT21 5DN